
Witch's Rap from Into the Woods is the exception.

This is true. I'm going to school to be a professional pastry chef so I can attest to that.
But She Used To Be Mine is more heartbreaking than anything in fucking Hamilton.

Hamilton sucks. Waitress should have won the Tony for Best Musical.

Nobody could ever beat Rachel Shukert's over at Vulture, but I loved all the comments here.

Fade in on a girl…
I came to the AV Club to read Todd VDW's reviews for SMASH. It's always been a favorite space for me, even through all the ups and downs of the last five years. It's been real guys. Y'all made me smile a lot.

Sing out, cigarette!

I've been a huge fan of Ronna and Beverly for a long time and have been singing their praises recently.
The human condition must not apologize for itself.

Shake It Off Inc would like a word…

Will there be a newswire about the death of Barbara Cook?

Oh yes, I saw her twice in Pippin. She was phenomenal.

I'm a member of the R+B facebook group (that statement makes me seem like I'm 100 years old), and Colin Anderson assured us that it is just a break and not permanent. All of us had thought Earwolf was dropping them too.
Both Jessica and Jamie had jobs and vacations that would take them away from LA over the summer.

Her podcast is pretty great too.
Also using this opportunity to plug Ronna and Beverly.
My gals need a big boost when they come back from hiatus!

I'm still holding out for a Brothers and Sisters movie, thank you.

Just watched the first 3 eps of Difficult People.
It's truly a show tailor made for me.
And seriously does Andrea Martin have an Emmy yet? Because she needs one for this show.

Whatever happened to Rachel Griffiths?

God damn the fucking Keswick.
Play literally anywhere else in the Philadelphia area but don't make me go out to fucking Glenside.

Felicity Huffman and William H Macy are still going strong.
Or if you want a deep cut, John Ross Bowie and Jamie Denbo have been married forever.

I've had lots of luck with their Apple TV app. I can watch live if I'm home, and shows are usually up the next day, with full length commercial breaks tho.
If I forget to watch for a week, the commercials become only 30 seconds.

A fun show to watch while high.
The first episode creeped me out slightly.
2nd episode: Didn't see the "twist' coming but it's not like it was crazy shocking
The whole time i was hoping to see VanDerBeek's butt, no dice. *goes to watch The Rules of Attraction (i know his butt isn't there either. I lost my virginity to

Mess Piece is a curse among her shows.