
I went to see the TCM rerelease of All About Eve this past Wednesday.
It's crazy how a movie I've seen a hundred times is almost new when seen as originally intended.
That aside, I will continue to be obsessed with this.
And from what I understand, the episode surrounding the events of the Academy Awards can give any

I can't wait until they get to the Oscars episode of Feud, because I audibly gasped several times when it was covered on YMRT.

Honestly, it's actually a movie that would suffer if it were adapted to the stage, save for having better singers probably.
I feel the same way about Moulin Rouge. Just let the movie be its own thing!

I would love a show with Kelly Bishop and Jessica Walter just shooting the shit titled We Don't Give A Fuck.

I agree with this.
Also with me being me, I think of him now primarily as a member of the LA gaymedians, among the likes of Jack Plotnick, Drew Droege, Bryan Safi, etc.
I'd love to hang out with all of them.

I remember watching the People vs. OJ and being kind of shocked they got away with Sarah Paulson's muted "fuck."

It was a show on ABC from like 2006-20011 i think, starring Sally Field (who won an Emmy for it's first season) and Calista Flockhart, with Rachel Griffiths and Rob Lowe. It's a crazy melodrama but I love the entire cast.

I wonder if I'm the only one on this damn site who watched all five seasons of Brothers and Sister. Rhys making out with that cute twink turned daddy twink was right up my alley.

I think with all of the ups and downs the show—and Dunham herself—has gone through over it's six season, that episode and that scene in particular will always always always make me smile and feel all the feelings and make up for literally everything in season two.
Dancing on my own, indeed.

Damn, Steven Pasquale can't catch a break.

My favorite Judge Judy story is that her, Joan Rivers and Cindy Adams used to take trips to Colonial Williamsburg.

I love when Trixie does the pose. She crosses her arms so daintily.

Entitlement and delusion is taking it a bit far, I think. From my own personal experience, it's pretty common for children/preteens to be shy and ask friends to tell others they like like them. I did it.
But now that I am an adult, I have the social skills to talk to people I'm interested in directly.

I think Linda's perpetual optimism is why she is my favorite. She and I are similar in all the ways you listed, but I swing to the cynical side (and she likes red wine, where as I like white).
It feels strange to say about a cartoon character, but if I could be half as happy as Linda is, I'll have lived a great life.

DEAL WITH IT. Comboooooo

I was not aware Audra McDonald was in this until this week.
I will probably have to see it now.

I have never been more anxious at the end of a season of television. I need resolutions!!

I love Ilana explaining the difference betweeen New York Jews and Philadelphia Jews.

I will never see a new Mamet work after the disaster that was The Anarchist (starring Patti LuPone actually).

I'm slightly surprised that there haven't been more Broadway guest stars, but Rachel Bloom hails from LA and UCB, so it's not a total shock.
Benanti has the perfect comedic timing and manic energy for this show.