I bet an elderly Predator w/no teeth could give a hell of a velvetine rub...
I’m surprised the folks who complain about bucket traps not being humane enough for mice haven’t flamed the comments section. Good tip tho.
I ain’t sayin’ he should’ve run them off the road...but I understand.
Correct, there’s a lug under the hood for attaching jumper cables.
The reason for the RAV4 bashing is because of TLCs situation.
If only there was a handbrake to pull...
If it’s a shitty company just use all your vacation time & never come back.
& here I thought I was some kinda badass for doing 50k miles/yr in my Golf...
I was the same way w/flight sims. When I finally flew for real, I could do everything but land in a high crosswind.
DRIV3R helped me learn how to spot gaps & shoot them in addition to controlling a skid.
The cops in Bishopville, SC will put their lights on when you get around 2 car lengths away. Worst part is, you only wind up that close to them because they’re driving while looking in the rearview mirror & constantly slowing down while doing so.
I overheard a VW service writer tell someone they had 13 recalls/service on their ‘05 Beetle. Dude didn’t have time to stick around for all that work.
Just yesterday, I came over a hill & almost ran over some asshole doing 30 in a 55. I’d seen him leave a store from almost a mile away, but I didn’t think he’d be just piddling about on a highway of all places.
Look up ‘dog whistle’ racism. It’ll answer most of your questions.
The Marines don’t mind telling the armor capabilities of their equipment, because they’re still gonna push your shit in when they land!
So NAG is suing VAG? Hilarious...
She takes them off when she goes to bingo whilst bumping 2 Chainz’ Pull Up To The Club w/My Ceiling Missing.
That works too. If there’s other traffic you can use that to cover you for awhile as well.