
Favorite line of the night: "I could just go down to ISS and throw a quarter at those degenerates, get them to do it."
— Russell talking to his new Fine Arts teacher friend about finding someone to beat up his loud-and-rowdy neighbor. My teacher bf and I laughed SO HARD at that line.

The fact that Russell's fridge was just chock-full of La Croix was the perfect set-dressing touch! OF COURSE Russell loves La Croix lol.
(Full disclosure: I unabashedly love La Croix.)

Fwiw, I think Russell *only* punched him in the shoulder, not the back of the head.

That line just made me literally lol. Thanks for reminding me of it!

I think Abbi booting the hackey sack was unintentional. She meant to do some cool trick from her high school grunge days and it turns out she's actually really bad at it now lol.

Aww, I love Bevers! "Me thinks thou doth protest…TOO much!"

100% YES, stop using baby wipes! Or at least stop flushing them if you're doing that. Google "fatberg" (specifically, the 15-ton London fatberg) and you'll (A) puke in your mouth a little bit, then (B) understand why you shouldn't flush baby wipes.