
Ding ding ding! Yup, me too. 

Not my president.

Yup. Wet farts spilling from his anus mouth. SO GROSS.

Love Stormy in all her warrior glory

BOOM !!!


EARS. Dammit, arthritic fingers.

From your lips to the Godess’s

Oh please yes. No more OLD white guys. Nothing personal, but you gotta step back. We’ve got to run someone who will beat the GOP. WE NEED TO TAKE IT ALL BACK!

Nope. Wrong. Playing nice nice hasn’t /ain’t gonna work. Go full-out, balls to the wall rage infused offensive. And never stop never waver never relax. Make no mistake... THIS IS WAR.

HOW? How can you humiliate him? He won’t listen to or believe  anything negative. He really thinks that everybody loves and adores him. He’s just the bestly best of men! Handsome! Smart! Sexy! Funny! Admired! Rich!  Oh my god, when is this nightmare gonna end?

I didn’t realize until tRump that most of my extended family is racist moronic assholes.  It’s been a rude awakening for a 63 year old, knowing that for the rest of my life my brothers/nephews/nieces are just ...POOF...gone.

No No No. Don’t think of it as being stood up.  Think of it as the universe giving you a big heads-up! Because you’re soooo much better than that skanky loser. Repeat as necessary...”It’s not me, it’s HIM”

Families suck. They just do. Drop em like they’re hot (cause they do burn you!) and don’t look back. Life is too short to be tortured because of genetics. 

YES!!! Me too. Be lovin’ S.King!

We love you Canada! Thank you for not blaming us all for the shit- show that is DJtRump and his 30% freak show.


Bhabaganoush. Hahahahaha! Now I’m hungry .

Dear Mr. Shut the fuck up,man

I wish I could believe in heaven. Then I could believe in hell. And I want to believe that these people(tRump & family, Pence, W, Chaney, Walker, pretty much any and all politicians/1% ) will spend eternity Burning.