
Today, certain measures have been enacted to level the playing field. But, as the Abigails among us can’t seem to admit, the mere existence of these measures does not mean that the need for them has expired. White people remain uniquely able, in a monetary sense, to game the system. For a summer, at $150 an hour, I

Many people like to live in their own country with their own culture.

It’s almost impossible for POC to vote in Florida.

Doesn’t Israel conscript women into its armed forces? Cruz should support it for that reason alone.

Right? White Girl Zinfandel sounds a lot better.

Rest assured, the President is always thinking about you, and only you.

Yep. Today may mark the day when Trump became a complete pariah to the media. His supporters have already become pariahs in American society. But the angle that fascinates me the most has to do with the fact that Trump’s “pariahdom” coincides with the GOP’s major movement towards unification behind Trump, because they

The AD would rather Georgia coeds get pregnant and/or an STD than somebody find out that he gave Ludacris free condoms.

There should be a debate about who is the bigger douche—Trump or Bernie.

Every word of this comment is bullshit, including the ‘and’ and the ‘the’.

Well, if it’s any consolation, the Texas Longhorns “raped” the Baylor Bears in last year’s gridiron matchup. Hook ‘em Horns!

When is it not?

Point of order: This happened in Vegas.

I don’t think she’s supporting Bernie as much as she is trying to set herself up as a viable alternative to Lena Dunham. And good luck with all that, girlie-girl!

Yes, there is a Hillary type. We’re called “grown-ups.”

I have to say this Weld guy’s got balls—not for comparing Trump to Hitler, but for admitting he worked in George W. Bush’s administration.

He’s Ralphie McMethface.

Shows like 20/20 exist only to exploit people—especially the crime victims. And in my opinion, anyone who watches these shows is participating in the exploitation.

With smoke from the tire fire bringing visibility down to zero in some areas, Spaniards have been inquiring, “Donde esta la biblioteca?”