
Leaving a relationship does not equal actively encouraging suicide as the person is reconsidering it. It is a shitty thing to do? Yes of course, but he did not know his act would definitely lead to attempted suicide. This girl on the other hand knew exactly what would happen because that’s exactly the outcome she

Oh yeah, I get that. I don’t think his approach to the material made for a good film. And Refn’s theme is pretty shallow.

Every character in this film is an amoral psychopath: they are all caught up in the obsession with youth and beauty no matter their background. They reduce the woman to only her physically beauty because nothing else matters. Even the protagonist embraces it. It’s a horror film in which everyone is the monster. That’s

Well yeah, he’s kind of blasting Hollywood’s youth obsession alongside the fashion industry’s. Two birds one stone.

He said fuck 18 times during the interview. That’s what the tweet is about.

He gave 18 “fucks” because that’s the number of times he said “fuck.” That’s quantifiable. He’s clearly saying he could have gone without cursing as much. Go ahead and give him a hard time, but at least try to follow his logic before getting cute with it.