
And this is why people like Sterling get away with stuff like this. Because of peanut sized attention spans.

yeah, a major cultural reckoning on a nation-wide scale regarding a Big 3 sport? Why report on that?

Cliff Paul would've done more than just wear the warm ups inside out.....just saying.

And to those suggesting that this gesture wasn't enough, seriously? In the modern US news cycle this will get the same over-coverage every other scandal of the day gets. The League will hand it's punishment down probably Tuesday, and by Thursday it will be forgotten by the vast majority. Wearing a black armband

Muhammad Ali stood up for his beliefs by giving up his heavyweight title and spending 4 years prison. These guys don't even have the guts to sit out one measly playoff game? Smh #clippersarecowards

Muhammad Ali stood up for his beliefs by giving up his heavyweight title and spending 4 years prison. These guys don't even have the guts to sit out one measly playoff game? Smh #clippersarecowards

Bit of a tepid "protest" isn't it?

wow clippers players can't even tolerate a fine to send a message? "We are DISGUSTED, but please don't dock us .00000001% of our salaries"

They'll still cash his checks though, right?

Wake me up when the Clippers wear their game jerseys inside out. Wake me up when they are so ashamed of the name 'Clippers' they cover up the logo. Wake me when these guys show some backbone and do something of worth.

You're giving your sports media far too much credit. These are the same idiots who give Stephen A Smith and Skip Bayless hours of air time.

No it's not. You suggest they will mention it a number of times, but I guarantee they will talk about it precisely once in the opening moments of the game, SC will show it exactly once. But to play the entire game with unauthorized apparel? The NBA having to decide to levy a fine? THAT would send a message. THAT would

So what? Take a stand, pay the fine, make a statement that will actually be heard.

YAWN. Some statement there guys...it wasn't even creative and kinda makes no sense. But I'm sure it will universally praised because #courage #rights.

can still see the logo on their pants. idiots!

So basically a meaningless gesture. Nobody will see it, outside the short mention at the beginning of the game the announcers will mention. I'd much rather have seen the players wear something during gametime. This? Worthless.

Multiple "Lifetime Achievement Awards" from the NAACP will do that to a man...

It's worth noting here that this is just further proof that nobody EVER thinks they're actually a racist. Even in the middle of this giant crazy racist rant Sterling still makes time to be faux-offended at the suggestion that he's a racist.

Who cares if she's leading him on. She exposed him for his bullshit.

She might have been leading him into this conversation, but I expect it's a conversation they've had a bunch of times without a tape recorder running. She just made him say it on tape, she didn't put the words in his mouth.