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    Is billy porter sick himself, he has lost a lot of weight?, or did he lose weight for the role

    To me, it seemed that the white kids didn’t have to worry about what they wore?

    Or maybe ADHD, taking Ritalin

    I hope it was that, and not taking her Meds

    Being a substitute teacher, this was so accurate of how these bad ass, kids come to school!, They talk back, call names, don’t listen , and the Parents don’t do shit about it., this show is the best. I give this an At(plus)

    It probably was Tracy, Darius is not like that

    Isn’t this the final episode of the season!

    I read it was shot in Atlanta, the growing movie city of the South

    I knew it was Donald, by his smile, some things remain the same, even with makeup!. This was totally a Jackson story, and how bad and strict parenting, can backfire at times. Michael was a musical Masterpiece, but also was damaged and had low self esteem, which caused surgeries, Drug addictions, and then Death. All

    After season 3, this show has gone downhill, sorry to say when the kids grow up, it’s just not as funny!,Luke was so cute and funny as a young boy, but now he’s just awkward!, the other kids are boring as well. Cam, Mitchell,and Phil keep this show going!, otherwise it’s time to go off the air! Maybe a spin off with

    Please tell me what the first part was about?,I could only understand half of what those guys said in the beginning, sorry but we need Captioned during some conversations. They ordered 17, so why all the shooting

    Schwepps is a Ginger Ale brand

    Then why are u playing?, u know the rules before u play, im so sick of people being stupid!!!!, she knew before she played, it’s so simple, before u announce your name , Move out of your house, get all your business in order, then stay in a hotel under someone else’s name, collect your money, then move to Australia or

    Great call, on the guy or gal who said in the Spring Break episode, that Abbott put the mask in Russell truck!, so she was the shooter !, I kinda figured when she showed up at spring break, she was the shooter, and not Russell! Cause how and why would he put the mask in a new truck

    I really love this show,but why leave the old principle out this entire season, I wanted to know what happened to her and the boys?,and I don’t think Russell shot gamby, besides he’s too smart and evil to leave the evidence in his truck, I’m thinking it’s the nice lady who works in the office that gamby is always mean

    Is it me, or is this season really BORING!, and I can’t understand anything JB smoove says?, he needs to get his freaking mouth fixed

    It’s a funny cartoon, funny as hell.,I watch the Snl clip over and over!. And I’ll watch this., stop Overanalyzing a damn cartoon. Geez, get a life

    Molly, you in Danger girl

    Love 50, he a smart dude,got to recognize black dollars, for instance!, Girls Trip with Queen and jada made over 120 million, while Rough night with a mostly white girl cast made 40 million, like the saying goes to white america “put me in the game coach “