
Always get a laugh at this narrative. Yes, let’s get our life mottos from Kylo Ren, who, out of universe, is haphazarly written *at best* and, in universe, has one misguided and childish notion after another, fails at almost everything he does, and it’s essentially the epitome of squandered potential. He’s a joke of

In my opinion, when such a character inevitably gets implemented, it should be designed organically that way from the ground up— not retrofitted from something else to meet some kind of disingenuous pandering quota. I am 110% for diversity, but your wants should not intrude on another’s artistic freedom.

No, that’s what the easily-deflated caricature of him you propped up sounds like. Ad hominem nonsense masquerading as intellectualism at its finest.

People like you pop up every time Tesla is down a few percent and then disappear a few weeks or months later when Tesla hits a new ATH.

The government has plenty of income, they just misallocate it.

Stop regurgitating Bernie Sanders’ one liners.

Give it a rest, you sanctimonious jerkwad.

How have “we” neutered the ability of the government to do its job?  What a farce.

Never going to happen.  You're wasting your time even thinking about it.

He only did so after the diver suggested that he should be sodomized by his own submarine.  Don't dish it if you can't take it.

Eminem got soft.

They’d probably be more willing to believe you if you weren't such a dipshit.

You went full Dunning-Kruger on this article.

If you think that's why the vast majority of people didn't like The Last Jedi, then you're pretty deluded.

Still trying to pin the distain for the new trilogy on misogyny and racism, eh? I’ve got news for you and all of the critics like you who exist in an echo chamber of delusional self deception: The Last Jedi was just a crap story with nonsensical, arbitrary writing full of canonical inconsistencies. Point blank. The

TLJ just blows, period.

TLJ has more than earned its dubious reputation. No haters needed.

Why do so many people keep parroting that last bit like it’s a good thing?

Give it a rest. You’re being pedantic. Physicists or astronomers could come up with a more accurate name any time they wanted. That’s not what stops them. They stick with what we have because it’s familiar, it has mass market appeal (which is actually important in theoretical physics because it inspires new people to