
“Why are they here?”

Warners seems to be in the peculiar position of insisting that they hire auteurs who make their own movies, giving them $200 million dollar budgets, then realizing “oh shit, we gave those guys $200 million dollars!”

So, the reason BvS sucked is exactly what I thought it was and have been telling people it was since 5 minutes after the movie ended.

Good thing the Wonder Woman movie seems to be nothing but slow motion shots, montage sequences, dream scenes, close up shots, and absolute destruction!!

I knew he was a fucking idiot by trying to justifying anything, this is a resurfacing of the DC fanboy retards.

I’m actually curious to know if BvS toy sales were any good. That movie was not kid-friendly. I’m not talking violence here, but the mood, tone, aesthetic and pacing for this movie were all very child-unfriendly. I wouldn't be surprised if most kids were bored by this movie. So I wonder if anybody bought toys.

“and time is running out to fix it.”

On the other hand, the constant barrage has a desensitizing effect. I also have an issue with using single year data to drive a point home. Climate change is about trends, so lets see the trends. As a researcher, I see outliers all the time that are just outliers.

Wesuh fucked, Annie!

Thank you. I am all for spreading awareness, but there has to be a more appropiate place to do it. There is a new “we are all going to die and there is not a thing we can do about it now” post every day.

Nolan’s Batman movies follow the same pattern.

Obviously the extermination of the human race isn’t ethical or practical. I disagree with the notion of governments taxing the shit out of consumers as an indirect approach (AKA scam) to stemming carbon emissions and global warming but agree with the notion of placing actual hard restrictions on emissions (vehicular

100%, the remaining android users would fail to procreate and die off while trying to find a good custom rom that fully works.

SO? there is nothing we can do about it!, what’s with the panic then? I remember 2006 and where I live it was a hotter year than this year, we are having nicer weather and more rains in the last couple of years, so if all this is consequence of the global warming/climate change, I welcome it.

Gore’s Predictions Fall Flat

The report in yesterday’s Daily Mail concerns the extent of the ice cap covering the Arctic. Gore had warned in 2007 while accepting the Nobel Peace Prize that within seven years the ice cap would vanish in summer. However, satellite photographs confirm that not only has the ice not vanished, in the last two years it

So basically, we are either going to get burned alive by dragons or turned into undead zombies by the white walkers?

Ian McShane promised me tits AND dragons, dammit!

• Jon and Sansa reunited = so many feels

I hate that I have to read click bait Gizmodo bullshit on io9 now. I’m sorry, I hate everything that Maddie Stone writes. It’s all stupid anti science bullshit. I don’t like to throw the “alarmist” term around much but this article and the “Florida is doomed” hack pieces warrant it. Fuck me...