
Probably that will help the force awake from his long slumber

Xmen franchise is so dumb it’s almost surreal

Lot of rains : CLIMATE CHANGE!

you are incorrect sir, there were the same or even more hurricanes in the past, not all make it to land, but just to give an example 2006 or 2007 we almost run out of letters to name them (they are named in alphabetical order, Amelia, Betty, Carlos... ETC) I think we got close start naming then with greek letters or

Climate change denier : it’s snowing in my hometown, global warming is bullshit

By your argument it can be easily a only white people universe as well, so point is moot, I just wished Burton came back with your answer to the interviewer

Agree, I remember, but it was a small outrage back then, today that will cause an internet meltdown, never-ending think pieces and possible boycotts.

Yup, pretty much.

BRO!, Santa Claus is a word play/derivation on Saint Nicholas

If tropic Thunder film came out today instead of 8 year ago, Robert Downey Jr would have been already crucified... wait no that’s for god’s offspring only, shot on sight, wait that also exclusive to another community... Judged and imprisoned for a small ammount of time, wait that’s white privilege, damn it!

Exactly it is either :racism or white-washing.

the only problem is that those 800 Million USD are box office numbers worldwide, studios that produced the film don’t get the total box office, they get a % of it, between 40 to 50% (this percentage varies a lot depending on the country and the weekend number).

2nd asteroid in two weeks and closer to Earth? huh, I guess Starship troopers had it right, these 2 asteroids might have been warm-up shots from Klendathu and apparently they are getting better at it, so since we have failed to create the Terran Federation in time for this upcoming war we are screwed, SCREWED I TELL

2nd asteroid in two weeks and closer to Earth? huh, I guess Starship troopers had it right, these 2 asteroids might have been warm-up shots from Klendathu and apparently they are getting better at it, so since we have failed to create the Terran Federation in time for this upcoming war we are screwed, SCREWED I TELL

Nice to see a fellow BMD commenter on io9 :D

Agree, less Hathaway forever please, also the age gap between Keanu and Anne is waaaay bigger than the age gap between Jlaw an Pratt

[A] is that you?

What about Black bolt... wait... isn’t that taken? nah I don’t think so.

that a good thing right?

yeah, I agree, but not seven dollars!, that’s just a crazy expensive starbuck charade everybody is falling for