I love the ME Trilogy, and it contains some of my favorite video game characters, and much as I loved ME2 (beat it 10x or so over the years), I always considered ME3 a superior game.
I love the ME Trilogy, and it contains some of my favorite video game characters, and much as I loved ME2 (beat it 10x or so over the years), I always considered ME3 a superior game.
you know why you never see Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus in the same room? it is sort of like that.
“remember how you liked this game in 2011 before we crapped all over it, undid all the work you did to save every character and get a good ending in the 2nd? well here’s liara and some robotty sounds!”
ok if i where you i would Temper your expectations , this is a very different bioware from the one we knew , many people have come and gone and right now EA is in control . the only thing we know for sure is they can make a nice looking trailer but a trailer is not a game .
Its called FOMO.
That actually sounds fun to me. Not because I’m a Star Wars fan, but because the lightsaber in Fortnite makes the game less gun-focused AND less building-focused, since you can demolish structures in a second or two.
Sorry but Demon’s Souls on PS5 sort of shatters this whole argument. As someone who’s had a PS4 Pro for a couple years, it’s absolutely mind-blowing. Youtube videos really don’t do any justice to the experience of playing a game with that level of detail and advanced lighting at a silky smooth 60fps. When I first…
A nightmare scenario that also seems entirely plausible!
In a world of truly terrible video game titles, one game aspires to stand above the rest!
Cleopatra was mostly Macedonian Greek, wasn’t she? Is Gadot’s nationality really a problem?
What is it with serial gropers and thumbs up? This is the first image that comes up when I search for Terry Richardson:
Trump retweeted someone today (though I can’t find it now for some reason) saying he should receive a Purple Heart for his bravery in this “war” on COVID.
What I don’t get is how anyone could think Trump is the hill they want to make a stand on.
This ain’t the Fox News comment section.
The hoax referenced here is that he’s pretending to have it to skip the next debates, dumbass.
I think the 3AM hallucinations you’re having are these “undecided voters” you’re apparently seeing.
Pause the tape. Hold the phones, and stop the presses.
The best demons were the fiends we made along the way.
My life changed this year when I discovered QAnon. No I didn’t get “red pilled”. Instead I found a community so brain dead and silly that I am constantly entertained by it. I’m really enjoying the Qanon Anonymous podcast about how insane and silly it is and how its all just old school conspiracy theories wrapped in…