
Very sad. Kind of avoided the Speed Racer movie for a lot of years, not knowing much about it. Daughter and I watched it and it instantly vaulted into our top 10 list. I think I read somewhere that Speed Racer (the ‘60's original) was pretty much responsible for introducing mainstream North America to/popularizing

The ad is full of shit. This car was sold on BaT in October for $11,486.

$7,500 for a 30 year-old Honda? Great condition or not, that’s a little steep. oh wait....

If you’ve ever seen a Europa, the Matchbox ones are almost life size.

If there’s any car that should never be turned into a DIY convertible, it’s an old Lotus. These things are made with the smallest amount of material they could possibly use while still keeping the chassis rigid enough to handle well. Nothing is an “optional” part - taking out the roof is going to massively compromise

Come to my neighborhood in Chicago where the surface street speed limit is 35 and yet there are tons of kids (and adults) mindlessly wandering around them.

Spray some started fluid in there and light it up.  

Another Uber Eats driver had everything stolen from her last week, except her phone – because it wasn’t an iPhone.

The Lexus was peppered with bullet holes.

The V-22 has as good a safety record as any other airframe in the US inventory.

That would make me give up on this site for good. It is bad enough 75% of screen coverage on this site is ads now

Some call it ‘fake parts’, some call it the free market providing cost-efficient alternatives when government red tape is bypassed!

Friend has an E46 of this vintage.  First thing we did was replace every vacuum hose on the top end and the intake manifold gasket.  The only real issues these have is all the little plastic hoses or connectors cracking causing weird vacuum leaks that are hard to hunt down.  Seems like the maintenance has been kept up

Turn off the “Continue reading” button, It’s fucking annoying 

nah ive actually seen them around austin with employees driving them. thats what that shit wants because he peaked in the 80s. 

I think they already flipped on that

Mesa day startin pretty okee-day with a brisky morning munchy, then BOOM! Gettin very scared and grabbin the next plane and POW! Mesa here

If a 36 year old besides a Verne Troyer or Brad Williams tries to drive one they deserve to be injured. Sadly this thing probably has better build quality than some Teslas.

I fail to see how this company continues to exist. Aren’t they losing close to $350,000 PER VEHICLE?

We all really want to know, and no one is reporting it, what he was driving.