Carl On Duty

The amount of hate is ...i give up...you people are retarded!

then you shouldn't be giving your 2 cents!

I can now only FAP to beautiful girls with tragic lives :( DAMN YOU KOTa... fap papf fap...

Teh internet is a cold dark place :(


just to be clear I also play BF3 and enjoy it!

I will give BF3 credit as to how they let me exit a server during the STAT screen, which makes it ALOT more convenient :)

Which Black Ops you playing?1

@spookie pie GTFO of here with that shit! FUCK i can't even voice an opinion without being labeled a "troll" #myopnion #GTFO #truth UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE!

YES SIR!!! Right away sir!

Welcome to Battlefield at least with Call of Duty you don't have ridiculous loading times and can get right into the fight!

Does me proud to see my "last" name plastered all over her chest and thighs...

only referring to co-op aspect of DEs and DAs taking down huge monsters with the help of friends!

this is why more people should play Dark Souls, been there, done that!

Can I still FAP to this?!?!

PROTIP indeed!

Not all of them went "down" Domino-FAIL!!!!

Have you seen japanese porn?!?!? it's horrible and the rapid-fire squeals of some of these "actresses" give me a softy!

The marketing for Black Ops is amazing, look at all of you, heated debates all around. Can't wait for Black Ops 2 because that's what it's all about really!

one can only hope...(pause, looks up at the sky for dramatic effect) one can only hope!