Carl On Duty


IF and that's a big "IF" it looks anything like the tech demo I will eat my laptop!

fucking tragic I would give 1,000,000,000 Biebers for one MCA!!!

on an unrelated note, R.I.P

Superman Returns was pretty...ugh! who am i kidding!

Make Justice League movie...FUNK I should work for Hollywood with all these great ideas I have...

I'll just leave this right here...

ZELDA, I was a fan since the days of NES, now being 32 I have never seen Zelda get a proper HIREZ insane graphics treatment that it deserves! OoT and MM was the best in the series!

Typical, troll is typical, you bring nothing new to the table and there are plenty of other games that set game design back decades and we don't hear you bitch about them, I.E The Legend of Zelda

Where you COD now?!!?! *cough cough* I mean, GOD...

Oliver North is my homeboy! Haters gonna hate DAWG!

I revel in the hate, Call of Duty, FTW!!!


If it has a multiplayer, I hate it.


Just a Bigger ASSHOLE FAN BASE then Call of Duty is all I see here...I'd like to apologize to all the Noobs it's not your fault you don't spend countless hours playing FPS games and are not any good, yet!

BRB....going to FAP...

Best part of the video...

Needs MOAR Dark Souls...

BITCH and MOAN all of you, all you seem to be doing is yelling at a brick wall and expecting results!