Carl On Duty


Fuck you! Play with Barbie!

They don't hate COD, these are the same people who say "I hate COD but i play it everyday because all my friends play it"

Please do us all "real" gamers a favor and GTFO! Here's some cheese to go with that whine!

...and yet, here you are...a single fuck was given!


*AHEM* NO, THIS is ARMA in a nutshell... "waiting in the back of a humvee for 45 minutes, get to destination, wait in grass for another 45 minutes, get shot, game locks permanently because it's realistic, you get no more "men"...

ARMA in a nutshell... "waiting in the back of a humvee for 45 minutes, get to destination, wait in grass for another 45 minutes, shoot guys, game over"

I won nothing, after playing it for 30 minutes I learned that I was a LOSER!!!

The 3DO...need i say more?!

i was thinking the same thing

You need to "google" and see the "prison" he's going to. This ASSHOLE is going to live in the lap of luxury for the next 30 years!

yes yes i know!

Not my best day!

Ah I remember when I took this, memories!

Theres camping in just about every game...move on!

Fisrt off, it's a shitty replica, 2nd, it's not a hidden blade, it looks like it was made from closet-rails, for the doors to slide on, 3rd not spring loaded, the damn things just slide out...DERP!

Wow you really put some thought into it! +1

OK oOK if you were stranded on a deserted island and it was either Roseanne Barr's vagina or DOTA, which would you want!

DMC, you say?