
Let the barrage of bitching AV Club commentors commence. We get it. You didn't like the sequel. Let's move on.

Dawes- Hey Lover

Best part is the picture of Rudd in the Tim and Eric "Paul's Computer" sketch. Goddamn is that a ridiculous/ hilarious bit.

They won't stop until we are begging for mercy.

Glad to see Comedy Central can stop playing repeats of Tosh.0 once in a goddamn while.

Millers on a Plane: "Join The Miller High Club".

Nick Offerman's family bit was the only funny thing in the whole movie. That dude can SAVE a comedy.

There's never been a role more suitable for Eugene Mirman than a mental institute patient*. This is gonna be fucking hilarious.

I understand he has other jokes. I'm generalizing.

I think Kevin Hart could be a lot funnier if he moved beyond this "LOOK HOW SHORT I AM!" schtick.

The movie is just Seth Rogen and James Franco playing Road Rash on Genesis for an hour and a half.

*Explosion* *Beep noise* *Close up of woman's chest* *Another explosion*

Spike TV: Tits, TNT, and Trump.

I'm gonna ask you one more timeā€¦is this band organic?

She will always be the Girl Next Door to me. So, a pornstar.

Jaden Smith to play a "Brilliant Boy- the son of a brilliant man who is considered brilliant too by extension, thus giving him tons of unearned money."

Cum here. (not a misspelling)

I saw an opportunity and I pounced. I love being a dick. I love dick?

It will make those who understand proper spelling even angrier.

My head is too big to wear that.