
Box of (makin’ it) Rain

A grilled cheese is the best deal anywhere you go.

Sugar (futures) Magnolia.

Just because they’re a Democrat, it doesn’t mean they’re liberal (just like Clinton and Obama)...

I am a relative of a hard-core Deadhead. Most of this Deadhead’s friends are also Deadheads, including several who work in finance. I am not at all surprised by this.

Methinks you have never been to a dead show. The only barter going on in the parking lot on a wide scale was the exchange of goods for money. Signed, a deadhead who supported her tour habit selling veggie burritos in the parking lot and ironically enough went on to work on wall street.

Uncle John’s Banned (by the SEC)

This is not even surprising. Ever hear the term “trustafarian”? There’s plenty of rich, privileged, libertarian fucks who also like to smoke pot and think of themselves as chill and free-spirited.

I mean, whatever. I love the Dead. I don’t listen to the music because it has some sort of special ethos, I listen to it because it is good. Although the idea of charging $85 for membership seems ridiculous.

A friend of the devil is a friend of mine.