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    So what happened to sidewalls? I feel like they would solve a lot of problems with getting sticks and rocks in there. A stick could probably throw you off your bike (or just break the spokes) and a rock could become a great projectile with tires like that.

    Under armour fleeces are all extremely comfortable and and fit well. I have two and wear them regularly.

    Under armour fleeces are all extremely comfortable and and fit well. I have two and wear them regularly.

    You realize that your already paying for the “obese, smoking guy” right? It’s still a plan, just a larger group of people, so instead of being a coworker, classmate or small group that you belong to it would be everyone. Also, following that argument, I’m sure that there are people who are healthier than you who also

    Kinda. It makes hospitals treat anyone, but only until they’re stabilized. It was created for emergency medicine to prevent “dumping” people out of the hospital and dying. So It was created to force the hospital to treat people until they’re stable and then lets the hospital kick them out. This is pretty limited to

    The back part with the windshield is for someone to sit back there and turn the back wheels.

    The fact that this happened is awesome. I was en EMT for a while after college and when I was in class I remember being taught that in a lot of the time sensitive situations we should be working like this (they even have a termed a CPR method as the “pit crew method” when there’s more than the minimum staffing).

    “Unless we have some hacker Einstein homeless people out there...”

    apparently there were others. Twinjet was a competing auto injector, but has been discontinued circa 2011.