If they remove this mode I remove there game from my dashboard.
If they remove this mode I remove there game from my dashboard.
If I die young burry me In Doritos, lay me down on a bag of cool ranch.
Oh god that fucking game was the biggest let down for me. If it wasn’t for my Fc I would of just gave up.
Cool story?
As sombody who slowly started “hating” pvp in overwatch. This is just wat I needed !
Seems like we played entirely 2 diff games. And boring? Ouch man that’s a game I enjoy no need for harsh words.
Rouge legacy is love ! That game consumed me on my vita when it first dropped lol
In the past 4 months Iv learned u don’t pre order with Amazon.
Wow does he look younger than me! And I’m 27..... sadly
Sadly I won’t be watching this for another 8 years when the dub is released. Can’t stand that 80 year old lady’s voice on Goku.
Yet again..... I am setsuna.......
Did you perhaps miss an amazing title called I am setsuna?
“There ain’t no Grave that can hold my vita down! There ain’t no grave!” -Johnny Cash-
As sombody who pre ordered Ps VR I am jelly of your Vive ownership. I feel like the vive has a more open platform with some unique games found nowhere else.
Digging these so much. Been playing Warhammer Vermitide on my PS4 and a lot of these give me that vibe.
Iv slowly been running high crit party’s with nearly flawless runs. I dig it a lot more now that Iv found the “farming” aspect stated in the article .
Havnt even gotten my first 4 past 3. It’s fun but I’m kinda dreading the end game now lol
My dream landscape
To be honest that hotline cos is what got my attention.
This looks like such an amazing GameCube game!