Darkest dungeon has me hooked pretty deeply. Hoping to pick up Vermitide on the PS4 but that $40 tag is a little much
Darkest dungeon has me hooked pretty deeply. Hoping to pick up Vermitide on the PS4 but that $40 tag is a little much
As somebody stated above or below me. That fox Pokémon was straight up in a dress. Feel like somebody’s just board and talking shit.
As sombody who enjoyed my time with the game. I really can’t condone either side of the hate fire. Don’t over promise shit in your games and don’t go nuts and crazy as all fuck when said games don’t live up to your hype.
You people......
Lmao triggered much?
damned kids always after me lucky crests!!
The fear in the part i mention is mostly from the running part. He doesn’t actually chop your dick off lol
Fuck that dude who commented your doing it wrong. Do you fam.
More stories like these please. #MakingKotakuGreatAgain
Does he think theses games are really scary? Outlast whistleblower had a man that was about to chop my fucking dick off! Does he really think his games top that type of sick horror?
Was more upset she didn’t secretly have a dick.
People who get paid to game are depressed? Thought it was just me. Huh. Who da thunk
Got wrecked but had fun doing it
That ain’t my ichigo!!!!
Iv been gone from my Sunday comics for months now. What happened to mike doing these? I’m all for the new guy was just wondering.
Russian girls have the most beautiful eyes.
The lowest was 348 one 352 and 356 I wanna say I was the second highest at 369 the highest being 370. Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t easy until we all knew the mechanics
Farm exotics , rank up Eris for artifact , enjoy game. There’s no rush brother