
What was the underwater version of this game? Played for hours as a kid lol

Holy hell! I have only heard rants from fellow commenters about this game, but I’m pretty hyped to play this in 24 years! This is some next level shit.

Step 2: profit?

I love destiny but at its core it’s the exact same game that it was at launch with just more and better stuff.

Nah fam we all wanna raid

This has been my entire morning and most of yesterday night.

Make kotaku great again.

I’m no biget but we’re do I find this Wild West of radical ideas they call a server?

I was just having a little fun with you m8te but I completely agree. Never backed a kick but I deff can understand the pain in seeing a game u wanted be shit down.

Lmao this was literally the best comment in weeks.

I get what your getting at but personally can’t agree with that motto. Do you not try new things unless it’s from a major company? “Fuck this new burger place I’m going to BK for cheetos fries”

What happened to the good old Nintendo days when a Handheld had one screen and when the GameCube was king! MAKE NINTENDO GREAT AGAIN!

Iv always taken the it doesn’t effect me approach to politics cause it’s honestly most of the time out of my hands. And don’t get me wrong I enjoy a good shit post but to be funding a semi-shitpost-campaign is a little crazy. (Just going off the headline alone cause I ain’t got time for all this reading) is it hate?

Circle was epic. Aria was my fav though lol

Back from hell is a fitting name. I first version (or watever u wanna call it) was lacking in a few things. I couldn’t tell if it was going for a castlevania feel or something along the lines of Salt and sanc.

Unpopular opinion but deep down I hope we can Solo this raid like Crota.

Say it ain’t so! I’m dying for a conclusion to the vex. Like are we in a vex simulation or not! I need answers lol

The only bad for me was finishing the final mission and still thinking I had another story mission unfinished. It’s all that damned RNG mission from shiro’s fault.

What the actual fuck?

Still diggin my first curse and nirwins mercy. On the hunt for that OP orbit scout. Hated hung jury for some reason so this looks like a nice non Omolon scout.