
How the fuck do I unlock the last quest? Finished my last. Quest and never got to do anything last quest feeling.

On my main I have 8 real days in game. Fuck my life.

Dude! This needs more stars

No space rape titty captains from outer space? Best kids anime ever!

Hopefully blizzard doesn't ban this guy as wel.

Incoming tools making jokes about other tools that made jokes about destiny.

Hate this guy^^^^


Says the guy watching in 360p......

Gotta love mindless hate!

God damned this company and its owner disgust me. Iv lived in Az most of my life and I hope this dude gets a fat kick to the fucking dick. “People said negative stuff about my game” grow the fuck up.

Tear down that wall! Reagan smash! !

I fear for my country.

We just became best friends. I absolutely loved rage.

How pathetic. I live in Az and can tell you right now a judge will laugh at this. And how does this person think this is helping there games out..... fucking baby's

Anyone want a free code ? I'm rather enjoying it and have 3 invites left. I do have to pay for them with in game money so at least know what your getting yourself into lol.

Hell ya those matches were intense

Mercy and pharra was hands down the best they have done.

They pretty much got a can of Han Solo and sprayed him over with it.

Don't stress the lighthouse man. I was in the top 14% for pve and like top 34% in crucy and Iv only been like maybe 3 times. (My % were from destiny tracker I believe)