
I enjoyed my time with the game even went as far as getting all the trophies bu god damned am I not a little upset about this game. Hoping they take my 64 bucks and hit this game with insane amounts of updates. I wouldn't be as sour if the games price reflected it's end game.

Was my first time with such a title so was half asleep giving it a try.

Wow..... Came here hoping that somebody had finally made an engaging game about eating ass. Guess the wait continue’s.

I’ll deff have to give it a try the entire premise gives me a “sailors dream” vibe and that's always a great vibe to have lol.

#WeebRuler lol

Played this a couple hours last night. Couldn't figure out the stars and went to bed.

Then all snipers in game would be female. Not against it but deff not for it lol

If it wasn't $60 and had some of the worst dlc and in apps Iv ever seen I'd pick it up in a heartbeat. But $89 to make girls tits bigger is insane fam.

Was totally into this until I relized my lonely ass can't play the intended way.

That was super enjoyable to watch. GG

Nerf these Jamacians!

Was death march the pinnacle ? I remeber playing on blood and broken bones and having a good time.

I don't believe the bundle is on the ps4 that would be cool though.

Hopefully I am setsuna. Just finished Hyper light drifter and I'm not sure how it made me feel. I deff cried at the end but I have zero clue why.

Please let this game be great. I don’t need another repeat of the DS game. That shit was soul crushing bad. Also..... I hated the last warriors type game I played with a passion. FUCK YOU Dragon quest heroes

That explains why Iv never seen it. Kinda took a huge break from the game so wasn’t sure if this was some new new they already dropped. Thanks for the info. The chest piece reminded me “No tomorrow” gear.

Please add more playing boards. I would pay $10 just for a snow skin. I was In love with this game a couple months ago.

I really wanna know what gear that Hunter on the right is wearing.

It happened to me as well but only on Nathan Grayson posts.....

Now this is a spark I can get behind...... Get it?