
Are my pro piracy opinions welcomed here?

This comment made my shitty night into something decent.

Thank god...... I don't need another Open world game to destroy my work life.

Kissanime is my bible lol and kiss manga had a really bad scan of the first 80 chapters. Thanks for the help though fellow Hunter!

A reasonable response.

What..... The..... Fuck!!!!

nathan is cancer? cancer is Nathan?

This gives me a cave story vibe. Cave story before it cost money vibe


Do we know each other?

Like Iv explained to others I never really gave the game a chance after my second death. So it may be the same guy u are thinking of.

Nobodys judging. You got a star for your profile pic alone

Fuck this lame ass song! GO TO BATTLE NET RIGHT NOW! SOMBRAH!

I want apart of this next season. Lol I love how many people take comp mode like its the very reason they live. You win some u loose some but at least have fun doing it.

I kinda think your under the impression that I gave this game a chance. At the time I was dealing with so much and I honestly couldn’t deal with this boss and returned the game. I felt super bad cause the guy at GameStop ended up saving me a special edition in the big box. I’m 27 now I can’t even remember how old I

It was an amazing anime but when I watched it I couldn't shake this very strange depressing feeling. If that's what the show was going for they hit it out the park for me lol

Top picture second bar. That's fucking D va from over watches face. #lol

Ya I played stealthy but I play on consoles so I won't be playing this on steam anytime soon.

I'm 27 no kids and basically no bills that would stop me from gaming whilst living good. But damned does it take a lot out of me to sit through a single game without jumping to another one the past 4 years.

U digging setsuna? Been on the fence about buying it but most likely getting it this weekend. The snow and the entire feel is deff my selling point but I'm hoping the game is at least decent lol