Are u enjoying it? I waited 5 years and find it kinda lacking in the fun department lol. It's still amazing I just feel like the timing for a lot of the actions is flawed.
Are u enjoying it? I waited 5 years and find it kinda lacking in the fun department lol. It's still amazing I just feel like the timing for a lot of the actions is flawed.
All I'm asking for is a controller similar to the GameCube or the Pro controller. Just give me something semi normal feeling on my hands and I'll buy day one. Havnt been hyped for a Nintendo console since the amazing famecube
It looks.... Good? But I think the thing they showed years ago looked better. Let's hope this is a story driven FPS in the vain of a bioshock or dishonored.
I just came here to say I wish I could load this article.
We can only hope!
Dude fuck this massive waste of a game. Been walking miles today and still have a egg stuck at 4.99/5, Iv been able to deal with not tracking Pokemon but now I can't even dark eggs? Wtf Iv never hated a game company but I'm pretty sure after walking 2 miles and having 0 results I'm fucking done with this mess of a…
You are a god!
I imagine she's OP at goal and even crazier at the rush
No ideas sadly. I'm sure it's from some romance a anime
Had this on my pre-launch for so long and finally got it today. I don’t honestly know what to expect from these free mobile FF games. Set the game on auto battle after the tutorial and havnt looked back. Some people may enjoy this but it does nothing for me personally. #BoringAsFuck
I suck at mobas. I suck at this game.
What’s with the judgy attitude as long as he had fun it’s really no ones place to label it “sad”. #LegalizeRanch
They were just having fun......
Is that like from a old movie I should know about
Thought this was on kotaku. I was wrong. I'm in the wrong comment section.
Have u played Deathwatch for the IOS? Mite be up your ally. It deff wasn't for me but it's like $2.99 on a good day.
Surprise, Az, United States. Literally half of my city is a retirement home. Sun city ever heard? It was fun when the three steps worked. Hell it was even fun for a couple days after it didn’t. But don’t rope the users who used a app so they wouldn’t have to walk miles in the Sun to find a god damned Drowzy in with…
Wtf! I feel like you were the last one that didn't rape me with click bait