


Nintendo: holy fuck people are canceling there pre orders for (insert name of Pokemon go hand thingy). Let's just turn it into this new thing for sun and moon.

It’s fun to say it ironically. People who use the word “Retarded” seem to be lacking in a few things. (I can be a cunt too fam)

Iv slowly learned this lately.

Maybe u missed the joke fam.

This is so on point fam

These crazy fucks on Reddit have proven how absolute insane they are. I posted about pokevision after a buddy showed me and I got doewnVoted over 260 times. People calling me a cheater and shit. The 3 bug glitch hits and my 260 downs go to 560 up votes. Make your fucking minds up you crazy fucks. Do u hate Pokemon go

It looks fun. Like it looks like what it was suppose to be. All Iv really hoped for is Minecraft in space. Nothing more nothing less

3 was absolutely amazing. 4 was sadly ruined for me before I had a chance to play. Fucking internet wikis and there spoilers

Giant boy gets my vote purely for his name. Venture bro's is criminally under rated

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Filthy fuck bois.... Oh god I used the term “fuck bois” that means I'm one too!!!!

The amount of people that arnt flipping there shit like I am for this game is staggering.

Is this the dude from my local GameStop who constantly questions why I buy “new” vs “used” games? You sound like him.

Sony keeps dropping the ball on these steam games. We got hyper light but fuck do I wanna play Arc and this game badly. Jelly over you filthy Xbox one owners lately

Holy fuck! Mouse gaurd! Been trying to figure out this “mouse comic” I saw in a Image previews catalog. I'm 78% sure that's the right one lol

I would pay extra for a copy like this lol.

Wow I did this weeks ago over the lack of communication and they pretty much just shelved my problem and sent me some strange “warning message” saying not to reply and then got a 3 day countdown to reply witch I did and then they canceled my request. Wtf?

Jesus fuck if this was any other game I would be done but you know addiction and what notZ but for real this is getting pretty anoying. Niantic needs to get there development teams together and starry releasing notes to the community.