
Mine was simply a joky opinion but to each there own. I personally didn't enjoy 5. Gameplay was fun but damned was I hoping for an amazing story to loose myself in. The first 2 solid games were my fav simply cause of the story. And come on can we all agree that fighting a crazy bomb guy on roller skates wasn't the

That deff didn't look like metal gear solid 2. Or twin snakes.....

Love this game hope I don't look like that playing lol


Gantz was an amazing anime. I fell off after the hiatus. Did we ever find out why the characters were being forced to play this death match with aliens ?

Any word on when we can log in with our trainer accounts been trying for a full day now and most of last night.

Classic witty gawker comment! #EdgeMaster

You sir are a assuming tool. And I hope AIDS has slowly killed you over the past 5 years since this comment was posted

Jesus those blue jeans really kill the “bad ass” poses.....

You get a star for a shameless plug

You get my star for quoting the lord of sales!!!!!

Star for the persona pic lol

You liking it so far? I can't get gym battles to work no matter how great of service but I'm loving the walk time I get.

Does anyone else have battle girl and punk girl achievements? I’m a fucking male...... Shouldn't they be battle boy...... And punk boy?

Fuck free to play games but some can do it right. I'm assuming you won't have to pay to win in this game but we shall see

So I'm a tad confused it says out now but have not been able to find for IOS, my friend has it on google play store so is it not coming to iOS until later this week?

I can't disagree with you more. Console vs PC would be unfair but console vs console is amazing.

My childhood just called me saying I'm a depressing old man in his late 20s and I need joy in my life again. I miss the GameCube days of life lol

Agreed. Just had my first run this weekend and what the hell was up with the ones in the water..... A giant spike through my chin and out my head.....

The ones with Ellie fucked me up having to watch. But then again the game gives us a huge heads up by the first 1ins that your gonna see some brutal shit and you may cry like I did. Fuck that beginning and it's horrible secrect!