
Playing with a controller is a little weird. You can tell they did like zero to no work on making it feel smooth for consoles but you can customize pretty much everything to fit your liking. Graphics are pretty bad compared but then again the game was never really beautiful on the PC. All in all the same game just

I miss this show so damned much! Literally one of the only food shows I would miss out on sleep for

Can't agree more on MGDMT. Just doesn't do anything for me at all. You get my star for your profile pic.

I usually enjoy there comics but his weeks pick was shit.

I still play PS2 on the ps4 it's grindy but fun. Love sniping in that game.

Because the creators of this game didn’t want characters like that. Never saw the logic in complaining about a games cast. If you want a game with “fat” girl fighter then make it! I'll buy that game.

Didn't have time to fully read but what kind of mode will they launch this game as? Free to play or pay one time and play?

First 2 matches we had a person leave then on the third we had 2 people get booted and the it was 4 on 6 for a good chunk of that match until another person left.......

That’s the PG-14 version. “Christ is cumming” is adults only

Random but has anyone played 7 days to die on the ps4 I hear horrible things about it being a complete mess but would love a fellow gamers opinion on the matter. Really wanted to pic it up, a buddy and me need another minecraft type game. (We raped minecraft for all the trophies and have multiple build sites for crazy

I wanted to like this game so badly. I hoped it would fill the void that destiny left me with after almost 2 years of grinding and the eventual burn out. All my friends were so hyped but I decided to wait and I’m so glad I did. From the emptiness of the game to the DZ problems it just all felt odd. The nail in the

Speak for yourself I happen to own half of China.

Iv never hated a kid for random FB post or even saying dumb shit in RL, but.... Damn do I hate Jaden smiths with the “passion of Christ 2: Christ is cumming”

Most people know my smart ass comments are jokes. Sorry you took it that way but ya I was literally asking for info in a joky way. And Im not about watching my wording, if it offends somebody thats there problem not mine. Just didn’t want u thinking I’m some high an mighty dickhead who hates on PlayStation plus, you

Love this manga I think I stopped at the Ant King ending and never got back in after that hiatus. Been trying to find it online with zero luck. At least with the first 60 chapters lol.

If anything this comment was “asshat”

What about my comment was “ass hat” I was generally interested. I’m assuming you took it the wrong way. It looks really amazing I was just wanting another commenters opinion.

I did and all I got from it was a Afro Sam. Vibe.

Finish the sentence......

Fucking bloody barren