
Edit: Somebody you play D&id withs logic is something I envy! Teach me!

As a child and later as a teenager I would more often than not find my self on the negative side of things like Kotor’s moral system, but as and adult and by adult I mean from the age of 17-27(present) Iv more enjoyed playing the good side of the moral fence even if the rewards are less and most of the time Im dishing

DAT Plastic Ass though......

I like to think I’m up and up with psn indies but wtf is Furi and why should I care? Would love to know more about this ghost title

I'd go PC if you plan on getting competitive. The console just can't hang. We're even getting a turret nerf cause all of us sad console gamers can't take this damned gnomes turret out.

Is that song a Fort minor remix?

Iv waited 4 years for a Future Diary game!

Just saw a psn trailer saying “play it now”

What's the release date on this? For consoles.

Completely jelly for the second time this gen of Xbox one owners.

Waiting on that dub..... Still.....

Agreed. I played 2 for 3 hours and returned it. 3 was magically delicious

Now that is fucking cool

I dug humans of NY when it was smaller

A genji hater? Slow down bro wouldn’t wanna cut yourself on all that edge.....

Good and bad I suppose. I do fucking loath a team consisting of more than 2 of him.

So...... All those art assistants and 2d artists just let them make this game look this way?

What's childish about smoking a plant?

Gotta play those exclusives!