When I saw this article on Twitter I read it as "Will Ferrell to star in comedy about Jews" and thought Ben Stiller had finally gotten "What Make Sammy Run" greenlit.
When I saw this article on Twitter I read it as "Will Ferrell to star in comedy about Jews" and thought Ben Stiller had finally gotten "What Make Sammy Run" greenlit.
Of course, if we hadn't revolted, we'd still be a part of the UK today, just like India is.
Which is coming back in 2015, because time is a flat circle
I took ballroom dancing in college, and when we got to the waltz, I thought "yeah, I can see why this scandalized people 150 years ago"
I like her strings.
Looking only at movies that got under 30 or over 70 — movies on which there is a clear critical consensus — he agrees less than 40% of the time.
IRTA "God, I'm a jerkass." But I like everything about ATK/CI except Chris's personality.
He survived Whitewater so thoroughly you either don't count it or don't remember it.
Well, for 1972 it was pretty bad and pretty blatant. Most people didn't know JFK was nailing everything in a skirt, including the occasional standing rib roast, while high on painkillers, but I'm not sure they would have given him a pass if they did (remember, it was the *early* '60s). Nixon would never have survived…
Something that struck me, watching this episode: we know next to nothing about Holmes Senior. We know a great deal about Sherlock's perception of him, and we know it's not wholly inaccurate, but we don't know how accurate it is. Which is important, because almost everything we know of him is Sherlock talking about him.
CGI is like makeup: if you can tell it's there, it's too much, but people who think they don't like it are probably seeing a lot more of it than they realize.
I have a feeling Holmes Sr. would cut Sherlock off if he so much as went to Jamaica. Actual current British soil is right out.
"Blackguard" is simply no longer common, but I thought I heard "shtum," the Yiddish word for "silent" that Logan used in "Sexy Beast".
* When Liu and Miller were walking south from Chase Tower — presumably because it made a good shot, since if Joan and Sherlock were looking for the subway or for the best place to get a cab they would have been going exactly the wrong way in Manhattan — a camera angle change made them jump back about half a block.
I turned it off after about 20 minutes because the needle was skipping on Joan's character arc. If, as I gather from the review, they found a groove to drop it into, I can watch with confidence next time.
Movie 43 looks like someone setting out to make a Seltzer and Friedberg movie on purpose. Only it seems to hang together better.
Oh, yes, "Mort," I forgot that existed for some reason.
Oh, yes, "Mort," I forgot that existed for some reason.
"Men at Arms," "Wyrd Sisters," "Soul Music," "Going Postal." That last one rather less heartily, though.
"Men at Arms," "Wyrd Sisters," "Soul Music," "Going Postal." That last one rather less heartily, though.