Herr Schlittenfarht

This affects the people who make less and kills the economy because those people are what drive the economy. Now instead of taking your family of four or to eat once a week you don’t because you need gas to get to work. You stop buying other wanted items as well. Not everyone lives in New York City where cars aren’t a

Yep, and everyone knows that cocks have their engines in the front the way God intended. 

We live in the best possible time to be alive on Earth. And you think we’re close to WWIII. The level of entitlement is strong with you.

He was African-American, but good try on the race bait.

Low hanging fruit, and according to the mugshot you’re wrong.

That was the meta part of my joke...

When the Mustang was redesigned, everyone joked about Honda Accord similarities... now we can make BMW 8/Mustang jokes.

Her: My car is over there
Me: I don’t have my glasses, is that a responsible Japanese coupe, a crowd-murdering Mustang or a German Douschemobile?

Where have I seen that look before?

I will do something as soon as i see the Hollywood crowd, all the Congress, Senate and all the Liberal hotshots giving up their private jets, first class lifestyles, big houses, limo’s, etc., until then i will treat it as the drivel it is

Considering climate scientists have been consistently wrong on every doomsday prediction thus far, it’s no surprise that politicians’ constituents don’t take these predictions seriously.

I’m inclined to side with the scientists that are actually working on a solution rather than the ones who are just blaming people for sucking so much just to get them to do things that don’t actually help.

Heavy metals. Rare-Earth elements. More intensive and complex production cycles. More expensive to produce. This is what we want to do for *all* modes of transportation? No. It’s simply unsustainable, and we’re just creating further problems down the road. A simple, non-hybrid gasoline vehicle is always going to have

Whoa whoa WHOA. Are you telling me that an innovative disruptor CEO like Elon Musk is held to the same legal and ethical standard as any old boring ass CEO?! Poppycock!! This is a boomer conspiracy formulated by Big Oil!!!

Der kohle rollt.

He’s self-made. It’s his trust fund; daddy gave him the account PIN and everything.

Is it me or are “Self-made Lambo entrepreneurs” one of the many cancers of Youtube? I’m all for rich people buying nice cars, but I swear, Lambo guys always feel the need to swing their dicks around about how they “came from nothing” or are “self-made” or whatever.

  1. Mr Musk says something stupid on Twitter

It’s not (just) that it’s a single point of failure, it’s that you have to look at the screen to adjust something.

Edgy, and original. 

Ride in Atlanta and you will get rid of all wheels, trade that bike in for some crutches.... or some pallbearers.

No it’s not, but thanks for proving my point.