Herr Quattro - Has a 4-motion

The Subway HAS to be government operated. Their is no room for competition, their is a set amount of tunnels and routes.

These are absolutely awesome. I think I might buy a set.

Welp my faith in the world just took a nose dive. 

B5 Wagon FTW!!

Nah, they won’t refresh because VW hasn’t known what to do with the Passat since the B5.

Initial research doesn’t really support the issues with Japan’s judicial system.

Well- we do have a person we can drink beers with:

I think it’s the ever changing color schemes that are the issue. I’ll admit it sounds complicated on paper like it’s presented above.

A LOT more weight behind you that has to be decelerated and absorbed.

Meh- My favorite generation of Porsche continues to be the 993. I wasn’t even alive for it brand new (Born just as the 996 was released), but damn do I love those cars.

Sadly, most likely they aren’t.

Wait- what? Seriously? I just had to check infowars to see if that’s the current conspiracy Jones is pedaling, but even he hasn’t said that.

Generally speaking, RWBs just have wicked deep lip wheels that are also so wide you can fit a toddler in them.

Username doesn’t check out?

Nope Verstappen is still my favorite. He’s a top notch driver, and he’s got guts. Sometimes more guts then the car can take, but damn does he make for some damn fine racing.

Because they can charge an extra $40k for it. 

Red Bull cares way more about Verstappen then their 7 figure racing bike.

Im surprised the F-15 wasn’t mentioned once.

Well, you’d most likely have to give your life

Toyota’s are for people who have given up on having fun in life. But the brand you described is Subaru.