
I can’t wait until Cadillac’s Supercruise starts showing its flaws....Oh wait, no one buys the CT6.

Technically, EVs can regenerate as fast as they expend charge. It all comes down to battery heat. Discharging fast and charging fast creates heat. If you can keep the battery cool, it will take or give the charge just fine. That’s why when you plug a Tesla in to a Supercharger, you’re probably going to hear the

No owner is ever going to take their Tesla model 3 to the track, because Autopilot is going to crash it on the way there.

But then how are we supposed to stalk people?

I play solo. I’ve never been able to take on a skeleton fort raid by myself, because some team of dicks in a galleon parks there and murders everyone who approaches.

The other day I was playing solo and saw a galleon attempting a pirate raid activity. I sailed to the opposite end of the island, picked off some peasky skeletons manning the cannons, and noticed they had repositioned their ship to fire on mine. They sunk my ship, came ashore and killed me.

I posted this on Reddit last week but it’s worth a share lol. I had just received my tester sails in Sea of Thieves so I wanted to play for 30 minutes or so and then hit up some Overwatch comp. 5 hours later I found myself in the mouth of the kraken thinking ‘how did I end up here at 1:00am.

Zack Handlen = Neil Degrasse Tyson. He’s not necessarily wrong, but he’s spoiling the fun.

There was a lot about this episode that was dumb (e.g., the Emperor acting stupidly just because, Lorca wanting to get in Burnham’s pants override common sense, etc.) and happened for action demands instead of smart plot (i.e., any excuses to see Michelle Yeoh kicking ass), but I still really enjoyed it.

Oh, dang. That was just a really clever way of getting me to star your post, wasn’t it?