
Yeah buy egg whites and scramble them

The Cavs falling on their face on this is comic. Sans the public backlash this was probably going to sail through the city and county processes. Glad they got it stopped.

Are you....trying to remember some guys??

Shockey is what I imagine a love child between Gronk and Kid Rock would be

Very happy to report this checks out.

hell yeah......that’s why i watch sportscenter......standings...i fuckin love to wait 20 minutes to see a static image of something i can also find by googling “baswba;; standibgs” while on the treadmill without breaking stride

The alliterative beauty of “Dixon sucks donkey dicks” is undeniable.

Please tell me that Jon sent in a young picture of Drew. Because that really, really looks like Drew. And it might just top the Drew dancing in the bad polo shot.

Crowdfunded submarine. Crowdfunded submarine.

Welcome to Trump’s America, snowflake.

1) Tweets are tech.

So...is it just my computer or does that gif really suck?

The the fuck out of here with this shit

Real good look for the mom too. Ducking behind her child when the shit begins to fly. Kid crying seals the deal. Weak family, bad genes. They’ll be dead in the first big winter

You know what I also do sometimes? If there’s a salad on the table, sometimes I just dump some salad right onto the pizza and fold it up and eat it like a freak. Salad pizza is always better than it sounds.

In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic xylophone, or something? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


*sad trumbone music*

That was a very good post on a very mundane subject. You are an excellent writer.