Herpes Conrad

I don't think he/she should have to do either of those things.


Wow, what does it cost without the blow job?

They should call it Round Rice!

Want one.

Love you, bro.

Fuck. Sorry, that was mean.

No one wants to hear about how you masturbate, dude.

Fuck. I can still wear cargo shirts though, right?

I really like Ellen and I would totally share an order of onion rings or even fried pickles with her and then we could be friends. Also we're disgusted by the same people, so she can come over and hang out pretty much whenever. Hi Ellen if you're reading this I live in Champaign c'mon over, I'll grill out, we'll get

Brienne and the Bear, a (wo)man's best friend buddy cop action comedy starring Brienne and her sidekick/pet bear named Bear.

I dunno, Bronn To Be Wild? Where a younger Bronn (but still played by the same dude because duh), fresh out of sellsword school, has to move back home with his parents while he looks for work. Hijinks, hilarity ensue, wacky neighbor, etc, etc, rinse repeat.

Hahaha, "boner."

I love Norm.

I like this thing. This is a fun thing.


This sounds OK

I love Guy Fieri.

A FRELIMO would be pretty sweet, especially if there was a really nice bottle of FREBOURBON in there for you to drink while riding around town.

I liked triplefastaction better.