Herpes Conrad

(SFX of me nodding)

Inca Roads is my favorite FZ song from my favorite FZ album. So fucking good.

Mastodon, Quaker City Night Hawks, Crystal Fairy, Greta Van Fleet, Guns N' Roses' live album, Mastodon, Gary Clark Jr, Le Butcherettes, Slow Season, and Mastodon.
But mostly Mastodon.

I really enjoyed this movie. But I also went into it simply wanting to be entertained, rather than demanding it be the second coming of Citizen Kane. So joke's on me, I guess, for not being angry that it's not a more artistic and worthy-of-being-studied-in-a-college-film-class big-budget Hollywood movie.

a pantywaste?

Sweet, I like it when things unfold.

This comment is a Dabney Coleman reference you guys!

So who upvotes this first do I upvote this first?

This makes me happy.

Or tolkien tonality, even.

This is a plrrghnyyiybr answer!

I'm 40 and I do that all the time. And not even like, ironically. On the way to pick up the twins from daycare, I fight the power. I fight it fuckin' hard.

Probably shouldn't have swallowed all that bubblegum.

I think she might've, but I didn't hear her because I went deaf from sitting too close to the TV. Also she got confused a lot.

I'm a very frequent and loud neck-cracker (also knuckles, back, fingers, left clavicle & scapula, ankles, toes, thumbs, and knees, but mostly neck). My favorite time to crack it is in front of my 7th graders right when the classroom gets nice & quiet. Because I'm cruel.

This was a fun Great Job, Internet!; I enjoyed it.

This comment section is fun because a lot of people are really upset.

God, so fucking funny. Just a giant.

Yeah, yeah, I can see that.

The Hunter is excellent. I'd still put BM (gross!) just a hair above CtS, though.