Herpes Conrad

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Uhhh… I teach 13-year-olds and yeah, no.

I'm getting sort of an early Chrysanthemum Funeral meets Butch Crassidy meets LLLLava! meets SprklrPrty vibe. With maybe a sprinkle of pre-Connor St. Jean era The Fudgets. But I dunno, I can also totally hear the 4th Street Innovator influence too. Tough to say.

Well. Color me pwned.

Yup. Love The Stand.

The Kennedy assassination one had a great ending! Just kidding, that was dogshit.


I liked The Deadlights too.

Mike lives. You're thinking of The Dirty Dozen.

Well, maybe he'd thrust his fists against the posts enough and the stutter had gone away.

My favorite book from 6th grade through high school. Can't. Fucking. Wait.

Ultimately, the important thing is that everything has a very specific niche genre label so we can easily identify which people are cool and which aren't.

Devin Townsend. Duh.

This absolutely is something I would put in my mouth.

I love Patrick Ness.

I admit I'm a bit of a Prequels apologist, but holy cow Episode II is is fucking terrible.

Patrick Ness rules.

I liked Revenge of the Sith, for the most part.

To his credit though… he was charming, to the last.
