Herpes Conrad

And it worked.

Oh be nice.

All the more reason to mock him and his supporters. Fuck 'em.

To be fair, teaching while high on something else just seems irresponsible.

This is literally the Davos Seaworth of A.V. Club comments!
[stares directly into camera 2]

I love that movie.

This was a wonderful, touching, beautiful hour of TV. I cried at its sweetness and beauty and love and it felt great. I've felt happy and hopeful and good ever since.


Haha, people are so angry over this band. Like they owe you something.

Subtle Plug's first two albums were good, but after that… eh.

Yeah, no idea. Never read the book.

Whew. I… I don't know. A lot of different music, I suppose - too much & too eclectic to list (though Wednesday it was Beck's Sea Change that really grabbed me).

I'm a man (a man's man. A man's man's man), but… eh. I mean, it's ok, but… eh. Also it's always really, really bothered me that they say "have a catch" in that movie rather than "play catch." NO ONE from Eastern Iowa would've said "have a catch." It's a small thing, to be sure, but as a native Iowan who grew up an

So I got like, 25 seconds in and a fucking "Sign Up For Our Newsletter!" AV Club pop-up popped up, covering the goddamn video. Well-played, AV Club, well-played.

More goddamn dust in here? Fuck is going on?

Goddamn all this dust…

My face hurts from smiling so much. I still can't believe it actually happened. What an amazing Series.

Right? Vegetables'll fuckin' kill ya.

Shake Shack is not crummy, you monster.

Of course. That's what everyone (else) does. It's great.