Herpes Conrad

It's the damnedest thing. A plain pb-on-white-bread sandwich was always an accompaniment with chili, spaghetti, etc - anything with red sauce - for our school lunch growing up (back in the 80s when school lunch was actually made by actual people in an actual kitchen). I always just assumed it was a common pairing that


Oooooo, I love onion!

Imperial stout.

Yes! I love that almost everyone dies. I pretty much love any "everyone dies" movie.

Also I can think of plenty of other reasons why Mad About You is hard to watch.

I love this movie so much. I don't give a fuck what its genre is or who scoffs at it as a result or who thinks Newt is dumb or whatever. This movie fucking rules on every level.



I fingerwagged like, two girls back in 7th grade.

You shouldn't use your friends, dude. That's just being a bad friend.


Ass got a bum rap.

Well, at least it doesn't advocate amateur eugenics. I mean, leave that shit to the experts, you know?

David Cross has really outdone himself with his poise, personality, positive mental attitude, (ability to) (im)press the customer, (ability to) primp always, positivity, (adherence to) please don't flush sanitary towels down the toilet, (ability to) phreeze plenty of ice, placate, posture, pomp and circumstance,

Wow. You so perfectly capture my own childhood (and hey, adulthood too) relationship with King and his works - It especially - even down to the words and phrases I've taken away (for me it's "undersmell") and the the identifying with the pure childhoodness of it all.

I love Butch.

I like some things. Other things I do not like.

Awesome. She'll be a terrific Viola (if a skosh too old). These books, like everything Ness has written, are fucking terrific. And no, not "terrific - for YA," just terrific, you smug buttholes. Gonna be really tough to pull off Noise on screen, but if it works it'll be great. Otherwise it'll probably be more akin to C

My cousin is an Asshole.