Herpes Conrad

No, he's still alive. :(

You're hungry for more Chow!

Eh, I'll just watch Baby Snakes again while I wait for Alex Winters' doc to come out.

Yavin IV, oddly enough, is actually the first planet in that system.

I enjoyed this; it made me happy.

If I were any happier about this, I'd have to store my extra happiness in a Happiness Hutch*.

Jesus, is there anything this clown didn't steal from Zach De La Rocha?

I liked this and am very excited to see the movie.

Good timing. I've been listening to this album like crazy lately for whatever reason. Was only a casual fan back when they were actually a thing, but now, man… it's just so good.

Remember when Mama threw out all of Brother and Sister Bear's toys when they had a Messy Room? God what a bitch.


The funniest part was just seeing "Hetfield" in orange Cooper Black text.

He's dead to me. He knows why. He knows.

Uhhh… he died.

I use the phrase "out-freakage" all the time thanks to his scene(s) in Baby Snakes.

Whew. That's tough. I ordinarily would never recommend a greatest hits comp, but in this case Strictly Commercial might be a decent starting point just to get a decentishly broad array of Frank's music. He went through so many different phases/eras, it's tough to name a single album as a starting point; e.g. if you're

I'm a nobody!


2. Joe's Garage
3. Hot Rats

Must we rock?