Herpes Conrad

Wait, the Apatosaurus dies? Thanks a lot, assholes.

(Waits patiently for film adaptation of Patrick Ness's Chaos Walking trilogy and Neil Schusterman's Unwind Dystology)

I like Mastodon.

More like Breaking Rad!

That's just what he wants you to think. Then BAM, posioned Smurfberry pie. You're dead, & Azrael eats your corpse.

I really wish he'd play a serial killer or wealthy evil industrialist whose companies poison millions & lay waste to entire ecosystems, or maybe a filthy & repugnant abusive father a la Rodney Dangerfield in Natural Born Killers (only w/out the over-the-top comedic aspect).

Part Jim Bob, part cult leader.

Papa Smurf.

Thanks! I just had it stuffed.

I will watch this.

Knock it off, mom.

I happen to be listening to his interview with Terry Gross right now, and it's wonderful.

Sounds neat.

Just yesterday finished California, by Edan Lepucki. It was ok.

Bored In Boston would be a good name for a terrible TV show about a young, pretty, perky single lady with quirky friends all appearing to be living far beyond their means and engaging in all manner of wacky hijinks, misunderstandings, dating kerfluffles, and workplace woes.

But he gives such nice gifts!

It's not only about you, JAGG.

Ok. Went back & listened to this album this afternoon. Made it through most of "March of the Pigs" before I got bored & turned it off. NIN still just doesn't do it for me.

Understandable. Especially if she's really pretty.
