Herpes Conrad

I just finished reading this. It was ok, I guess.

That's how I've always herd it.

Yeah. It's not so much an issue of tempo for me (I love the piano-y supersad emotive song on PHM, eg), but more of… I dunno, inorganic-ness, I guess. Some of it just sounds too computery and bleepbloopbleepbloop for me (I have the same issue with Radiohead).

Yeah but that security guard was a total dick though.

NIN is really hit or miss for me. I just could never really get into them all that much.

Lol no, hahaha oh my god that sounds insanely terrible and makes me wish I still smoked weed.

I always thought Book Davos was kind of a drag and his chapters to be varying degrees of drudgery. But TV Davos is quite wonderful.

So true. And yet The Wall has (well, had) probably the highest concentration of Good in all of Westeros: Jon, Sam, Edd (I mean, I guess), Gilly, Maester Aemon, Pip, Davos, Shireen, Little Sam, Pink…
For a place purposefully populated almost entirely with shitbags, that's a lot of Good, you know? That's kind of neat.

Meh. Needs more Meredith Baxter-Birney.

Mass Effect is why diners always get hella crowded around 11:00 on Sunday mornings. Fuckin' annoying is what it is.

Wait, so he's not… wait, what? What kind of bird is he then? Grouse? Is he a grouse? He's a grouse, isn't he.

What? It's super easy to hide being filmed. You just like, crouch down behind a rock or a tree or a building or whatever. I mean, unless it's an x-ray camera.

Jim Snow?

Hey you know what would save the Night's Watch?

Yeah, it's shocking that a cohesive-only-because-of-fear-of-beheading conscripted army of rapers, thieves, morons, galoots, mere boys, bandits, killers, rapists, muggers, arsonists, and imbeciles wouldn't have better foresight & better ability to see the big picture given the changing context of their reality.

Everyone who saw that episode in S1.

Unsavory maester science? Sweet!

I'm only upvoting this because the comment and its tone matches your avatar so well.

No, he's genital-less. He very clearly still has a spine, what with all the upright walking and shoving and carrying things and such.

Funny? Funny? You know what else is funny? YOUR FACE!