Herpes Conrad


I know people who went to this show.

Ah right, sorry. I totally recall that now.

Will restore, not restored.

(lights a smoke, exhales contentedly)


Yay! It's an awesome and entertaining book. Fuck off, everyone!

I was on Collaterall for awhile, but the side effects got to be too much so my Dr switched me to Adjuvent.

I love it. I love it for those very reasons you list, really. I like that the supporting cast is kinda B-listy; it lends more credence to the notion that these guys are all just average con-men & B&E guys. Plus Kevin Pollack is fucking hysterical. And the plot holes and whatnot (didn't Ebert have a big complaint about

Whoa hey wow! I remember when Bill Murray once had something of a reputation as a comic actor!

Thom Yorke? Peevish and condescending? Well I never!

Hmmmm, yeah, The Bends (or really, for me, just Radiohead in general (well, their actual rock albums, anyway- their bleepbloopbleepbloop albums… ugh)) is an awfully tough-to-beat answer.

Ugh. Jesus Christ.

Ok, I'm one of the biggest Star Wars fans out there, but this stuff.. jesus fucking christ, who the fuck cares?


What an asshole.

That seems fair.

What if they fail, but fail really jovially and with exuberant happiness? But still fail in a colossal manner? Just a total diarrhea thunderstorm of failure on a galactic scale, but you know, just not miserable?

Jesus christ I bought a lot of tapes from these guys.

Yeah, and I should've qualified that- if Chicago plays like it did Monday… yeesh. Tampa in 5. If they play like they're capable of playing/like they should play… then yeah, Hawks in 7. But it's gonna be tight. Tampa is really, really good.