Herpes Conrad

Hawks in 6.



God I fucking hated Clueless.

I think they just meant that the general public was allowed to listen to it.

How come "Herpes Conrad graduates from high school" isn't on here? What the fuck, A.V. Club?

Let's see…

The Dave Matthews Band! Lololololololololo, holy shit, I remember that.

Whew. I always need to take news about The Stand sitting down.

Ok, I love the Melvins, but this sounds… well, this sounds exactly like the kind of thing Buzz would say.

Amen, brother. Calling it "fiction" is fucking insulting.

Why the fuck was Cameron wearing a goddamn Red Wings jersey, anyway? What the fuck? You live in Chicago*. What the fuck, kid, you dumbass? What a douche.

Wait what the fuck?! These games are rigged?!

You're like Maverick slamming on the brakes.

They're the Game of Thrones of elegant, less-random weaponry.

(pulls out lightsaber)

I hope he can finally find some trankuility now.

Yes, yes this is rather Wicker Park-y.

Dunno, but I bet the uniforms would be really tacky, and the play-by-play announcing suuuuuper awkward & uncomfortable.

Ooo, good call.