Herpes in the Mist

In Bill’s defense, who would’ve ever thought Andy Reid would start running the option with Alex Smith and pitch it multiple times to his TE?

I’m sure the “acting suspicious” part has nothing to do with Bennett being a large black man.

I find it extremely odd that the police union felt the need to bring up a flag protest in their defense of detaining an innocent man. In what way is that related and/or relevant to this entire case?

This was a really long way of saying “stick to football”

Ironically, the Celtics will need to decide in two years if they want to give a max contract to another late 20's undersized, often injured PG who is shitty on defense.

How exactly are they worse on defense after swapping two shitty defensive guards and adding Crowder?

I’m not any coach can completely make a player, whose game is as dedicated and centered around iso ball as Kyrie’s, change to magically become a great distributor and pace/space guy (not to mention improve massively on defense).

This might surprise you, New Black Friend, but you too can buy a gun anywhere a white person can.

Correction: (white people) buy guns

I agree with your points, but if every company (let alone a company the size of Google) countered every employee’s screed of bullshit such as Damore’s, they would have to hire a full-time staff of biologically qualified white men to explain all of these points.

I think it’s more like a game of pong, where the sun just bounces back and forth between the ends of the Earth.

The reason he says this is because he isn’t a woman or minority, who in a general sense (as evidence by his own words), are viewed as “less suited” for certain positions (largely, positions of power). Women and minorities currently have these disparities because of past discrimination, which he in no way acknowledges

What things in this memo are complete bullshit

I’m not arguing about what he “secretly believes”, I’m arguing that his viewpoint, in general, is the entire reason why these disparities even exist. He may unconsciously make decisions based on this viewpoint, and the same would go for the vast majority of us on a slew of topics. Those unconscious decisions may have

I think the vast majority of disparities that exist in this world are due to the historical context of how our societies have existed and grown over time (ie built around men, white men in particular). I think his opinion on “biological differences” causes him (and people who think like him) not to hire a woman or

Unfortunately, education, especially higher education, has become an echo chamber as well.

Sure, the right swings around religion like a club of perceived moral superiority, but the left somehow managed to trump that in recent years, by identifying any opposing viewpoint as racist, sexist, nazism. Because somehow a questionable bathroom bill is equal to murdering 8+ million people.

In fact, I took no position on his firing. I merely stated that by shutting down the discourse, Google reinforced the “echo chamber” mentality he cited.

Key phrase: reasoned discussion

I couldn’t agree more with your self-awareness in regards to prejudices. I think if we all held this view of ourselves, we could go a long way in creating a more truly equal society. It took me dating (and then marrying) my Ethiopian wife to realize that, although I may not be “racist”, that I still held prejudices