
I always thought that title should go to Tennant. He's the most conventionally handsome Doctor.

I'm wondering if he's in love with Raina. They're seen talking in the preview for the next episode.

I'm not saying that shows can't get you emotionally invested quickly; in fact, I think they should. I just think AoS went about it in the wrong way.

I haven't seen many "pro-life" movies but the ones I have all have something in common; they erase the difficulties of having a child through plot devices rather than show mothers dealing with those difficulties. "Twilight" has Bella refuse an abortion even though the fetus will kill her but the dangers to her life

I think the problem with Skye and Ward is that they brought out the emo stuff too fast. Ward and Skye told their sob-stories to each other back when they barely knew each other and we barely knew them. Think of it like this. If you have a friend that you've enjoyed hanging out with for years and one day he starts

There have been multiple Deathloks so it's not impossible.

Calling something boring is easy. Explaining why it's boring is what a good critic should be able to do.

Well, I'm glad you're not some mindless hater but scrolling through this thread alone you'll see a lot of people who hate the actors for some vague reason.

But if you're fighting a super-strong opponent, wouldn't you focus on dodging rather than striking back?

We don't really know that Peterson was endangering the whole planet by saving his son as we don't know what Centipede's ultimate goal is.

I know I'll get swarmed by haters but I honestly don't think this show has any bad actors in the main cast. I've seen bad acting in everything from YouTube vids to amateur porn and none of these actors are bad, Yes, I'll even defend Brett Dalton from all the Snarky McNicknamers who think they're so clever. I rewatched