
they thought it was Shoot her

they stopped printing sports almanack

On same lines are Trump fucking his daughter jokes also misogynistic and in poor taste ?

david simon's where's wallace

Sacks of yellow fat is my new underground band name

These elections were so nuts that it made Michael Moore a prescient genius. Maybe one of the reasons were that he did go out to all those places and kind of got the mindset trump supporters were coming from

This is the classic sense of perspective loss that happens on people's views on pop culture. Jennifer Lawrence is the worst and yes exactly like Sarah Palin

Yes I don't know 90% of people on Maron so I tend to have generally decent views on most people on it listening to the human side of their personalities. Only when I visit AV Club would i get to know that of course this guy is the worst

Alright so Oliver Stone is the Worst also!

considering he was in the KGB he was most likely trained in languages

Of course Eagles are the worst and Hotel California sucks!
As a kid growing in extreme middle class in the Third world I had zero music growing up (0 amount spent in buying playing any kid of music in the house) and all my music was from TV or radio. So now is when I am actually buying and hearing music by choice and

Somehow I liked the road trip with Harry, Ron and Hermione the best part of the series. Something like that could actually be a good followup or a series of its own

For someone not in US and from a younger generation I don't care hoots about Star Wars. Potter though is a big part of growing up and will continue for a long

Maybe that's what stopping Martin to finish his. Right now he is in the middle of his creation and with the pressure of people following his every move. that must provide him with the rush of a kind. Once he is done nobody will care and worse even he may stop caring and just coast through rest of his career.

I am laughing like crazy at my desk and people think I am nuts !!!

Two things right!
there can be multiple aspects to people and similarly our reactions to them. you can like him for his commitment to show business and still be weirded out by crazier aspects of his personality.

I studied in a Jesuit school here in India and there was really none of nonsense you would expect in a Catholic environment. It was your standard liberal education and our Fathers were more interested in teaching us about geography and UN and UNESCO than any preaching. There was also pretty early introduction to sex

Yes you have to see the context from where he operates in. Given that environment I feel like he really is a good guy who wants to move forward in a progressive direction.

would Matrix fit here