
Loved reading this review so much. In 2004 when i first started working and I started getting involved with internet forums etc. one of the first forums I started read a LOT was agonybooth. I somehow got sucked into the world of bad movies and MST3K and agonybooth was a bog part of my early internet experience. that

This is the worst episode of the Silicon Valley this season.

Noted female Damian Lewis

yes they are not very useful right. you might just say fuck your stupid problem

The A.V. Club
He doesn’t have the biggest or the smallest dick I have ever had, and I have never had this comment before

i like her a lot. found the line hard to understand

"Chastain, who naturally projects complicated intelligence".

They really dialled up the "CUTE" on that piglet

I want an Obama training Trump montage

So I am in India and my cousin is in Texas (he has lived all his life there). We have hardly met but we connect on social media. Strangely I am more connected to him than my other cousins here. he is a really cool guy and has been an active democrat.

Will still do a better job

Newt is supposed to be Secretary of State

I laughed so hard when they killed the token white guy on Luke Cage (Scarfe)

Thank you pass me the tandoori chicken please

I travel to US for work from India on short trips and it is a murder. Trips lasts 25-40 hours over multiple legs depending on where in US we are flying to. Imagine doing this again on way back in 4-5 days again.


No that is in Agra which is in a neighboring state. Fathepur Sikri is a Mughal fort while Rajasthan has Hindu Rajput forts mostly though there are influences.

Going to Rajasthan here in India for vacation next week. it has some of most awesome historical forts and palaces of anywhere in the world.

Because they want it that way

They are raping our pornstachilicious childhoods